Good morning GC family and happy Monday!
We have had a very productive week last week with Mr. Drew leading the way with our weekly challenge. Congratulations to Mr. Toby for winning, don't forget to claim your prize when I see ya!
Believe me when I say this, that we all miss you guys on the mat. We all miss the striking, grappling, camaraderie, the sweating, the culture, the after class cleaning protocols, and the unity. We can do this! A few weeks of discipline will yield success and a fruitful rest of the year. Let’s stay motivated, and keep our head in the game!
Attached in this post are two videos:
1.) A new challenge from Mr. Drew. Make sure you play and turn in your entries. We are all very excited to see what this week brings for our community.
2. A new “Done in 4” video featuring Instructor K. He will be discussing a technique called Choke from the side on the ground using a kick-off.
Now, let’s talk about this intermediate situation between being on your feet and being on the floor. In this setting of disadvantage, the correlation here is integrating a grappling movement with a striking skill set. Simply put, create the space and get ready for the fight.
In a historical sense, there is a misnomer on the term choke and I personally don’t like the term as the self defense technique. You can replace it with whatever hands-on context as you like: clothes grab, pinning, pushing, whatever. Refer to our other YouTube “Done In 4: Choke” it’ll shed some light into the context of the nomenclature that we use for the term “choke.”
Now if you are looking at this position and thinking “this is never going to happen,” then look at it in the grappler‘s perspective: pushing off of you from the side control position getting ready to transition to the mount or getting ready to ground and pound.
If you look at Imi’s fundamental skills in retrospect, (boxing, wrestling and close-quarter combat) then you’d realize that this methodology is rooted in those skills. Basically, grapple-strike-be aggressive.
In a situation like the one in this video, realize that range and employment of strikes is crucial as a determinant on whether you are going to have to fight on the floor or on your feet. Choose being on your feet; you never know if he has friends set up for an ambush.
Do what is hard today, did the impossible tomorrow.
Mr. Noi